Project Leader

Discussions: 3
Posts: 10
Likes: 6
Registered: January 24, 2024
Last seen: 1 week ago
Important Information | Apply for Builder

Please include the following things in your application:
  • Minecraft Name
  • Discord Name
  • Timezone
  • Do you have experience in building and if yes what kind?
  • How long have you been a part of AOT:MC?
  • Are you at least 13 years of age?
  • Did you answer everything correctly?
You are not allowed to ask Building-Team of the current status of your Application. You will be messaged directly on your application.
7 months ago

Important Information | Apply for Lore-Team

If you apply for Lore-Team and get accepted, you are not allowed to be in Lore anymore.
This means you can't be a Soldier or anything in Lore as long as you are a part of Lore-Team.

Please include the following things in your application:
  • Minecraft Name
  • Discord Name
  • Timezone
  • Why you would like to join Lore-Team? (3+ sentences long)
  • Why should we consider accepting you? (3+ sentences long)
  • Do you have any experience as Lore-Team Member?
  • Write and Upload a short Lore-Story. (AOT-Related)
  • Are you at least 15 years of age?
  • Did you answer everything correctly?
You are not allowed to ask Lore-Team of the current status of your Application. You will be messaged directly on your application.
7 months ago

Important Information | Apply for Staff

Please include the following things in your application:
  • Minecraft Name
  • Discord Name
  • Timezone
  • Why you would like to join staff team (3+ sentences long)
  • Why are you better than the other applications (2+ sentences)
  • What will you do if you see another staff member abuse (2+ sentences)
  • How long have you been a part of AOT:MC?
  • Are you at least 15 years of age?
  • Can you guarantee at least 4 hours per week of time on the server? If not, please explain why and why we should still consider you.
  • Did you answer everything correctly?
You are not allowed to ask Head-Staff of the current status of your Application. You will be messaged directly on your application.
7 months ago
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